Spanish I Honors Q1

Week 1:  Vowel Sounds/ accent marks, tilde, question mark/ ¿Cómo te llamas? / 			
        Greetings and Farewells/ alphabet/ Numbers 0-40/  Map-Spanish-speaking countries & 	
        capitals/ ¿De dónde eres?/ Stress Rules Worksheet & Dipthongs

 Week 2:  Numbers to 80/ Map, countries song/ Days of the Week/ Useful Phrases
          	: Quiz on Greetings & Farewells, Introduction vocabulary, alphabet, vowel sounds

Week 3:  Numbers to 100/ Direct Cognates section in Amsco p. 325 Part I/ Number & 		
            Gender of Nouns and Definite & Indefinite Articles Worksheets/ Abbreviations (Sr., Sra., 		
            Srta)/ Watch Video from text "En Contexto" p. 30-31/ Vocab. text pg. 47/ Subject 		
            Pronouns & the verb "Ser"
	 : Map Test

 Sept. 1: Labor Day, No School

 Week 4:  Verb "Ser"/ "Me gusta"/ Vocab. pg. 47/ Listening sections for Vocabulary
	Quiz on Conjugations of "ser."
	 :  Quiz on Vocab. on page 41
	 :  Exam on Unidad1, Etapa 1

Week 5:  Culture Chap. 31 from Amsco book/ Colors & Clothing, Personal Descriptions 		
            Vocab., pg. 69/ Definite and Indefinite  Articles/ Gender & Number/ Adjectives/ the verb "tiene".

Week 6: Agreement of Adjectives/ Descriptions
	 Quiz on Definite & Indefinite Articles
	: Quiz on Vocab. pg. 69, "Describing Clothes" & "Other Words and Phrases"
	:  Quiz on Vocab. pg. 69, "Describing Others"

Week 7: Mas Practica listening sections/ Review pages 66-68/ Test/ / Culture pages #32 in Amsco Books
	: Exam 1.2

Week 8: Begin 1.3/ Verb "tener"/ Vocab. pg. 79/ Review numbers/ Watch Video/Possessive Adjectives
	****Oct. 4: Parent Conferences, 3 pm - 6:00

Oct. 13 & 14:  Fall Break

Week 9:  Telling dates/ Listening Sections, Mas Practica/ 
	: Quiz on "family" & "Other Words and Phrases"
	  Oct. 12: Last Day of Nine Weeks